Will’s transformation

Hey guys my name is Will, and I just want to talk to you for a few minutes about my experience of training with Reuben.

I'm in week 11 of a 12 week plan, and I just thought it was worth sharing my experience of working with Reuben so to give you a bit of backstory. Before I started, I was not in good shape at all. I've never gone to the gym, I've never been interested or excited by sports in general, or generally living an active lifestyle. I work at a desk all the time, very inactive, very poor diet, and once I hit 30 I've gradually declined.

I'd been putting on weight for a very long time and have been unhappy with my physique. With very low energy levels in recent years, I have been struggling with my motivation, and my mental health so it took a lot of courage for me to reach out to Reuben, in the first place.

Reuben was so great in those early stages of communication. What he felt would work for me, what he felt I needed assistance with, and reassuring me that he could put together a plan for me which would deliver the results that I was looking for.

I'm 11 weeks in now I've lost just over nine kilograms, which is enormous. I feel so much better for it. I've lost just over 12 centimetres of my waist and 10 centimetres off my chest, my energy levels are through the roof. And yeah, it's been a really positive and manageable experience working with Reuben.

Reuben has given me a completely tailored plan. He asked in the first instance if I wanted to join a gym (I did not!). He asked that I get some basic weights & I've set up my garage like a mini gym with some very low cost items (a set of dumbbells and some resistance bands), and he set up some sort of functional training workouts for some of my plan.

The rest of my plan has just been steady cardio. I've got a Turbo Trainer in the garage so even when it's raining, I can smash out 30 minutes of cardio, and then I've also been doing a couch to 5K. I'm on week 11 and I hit my 5k for the first time last weekend!

So yeah, it's a really structured workout and coming from a place of never doing any sort of fitness or exercise before I found it really manageable, like I was so scared before starting that I was going to get thrown in the deep end and have these really difficult workouts to do, and it was going to be really hard to motivate myself but actually, you know, they're really manageable and and effective.

On top of the workouts, Reuben gave me a complete nutrition plan based around my current eating habits, I knew I was gonna have to make some pretty big changes to my diet, but Reuben was really great, he basically put together a complete meal plan, which I found quite easy to stick to. The meals are enjoyable, they're really quick to prepare, and they're completely balanced from a nutritional point of view, and once I sort of really got into the flow of that and started organising my time to eat those meals, I've actually found that most of the time I feel like I'm eating more than I did before, and yet, it's just a much healthier diet and that's that's where the results have come,

Reuben’s setup is so slick. He uses a combination of different apps. An app for sending your workouts, which are really good.

Every single exercise has a video where he shows you how to do the exercises so it's really easy if you're ever struggling with your form, then you just send him a video so he can give you feedback, and if you're struggling with something, I just let him know and he’ll tweak it or change it slightly.

So the apps that you use is one for tracking like the nutritional side of thing another for tracking the workouts and, you know, it's so nice to track everything. Like it felt very daunting at the beginning of the program to track everything I was doing, but it really is true that if you're not tracking it, then you don't know how you're doing and by tracking my measurements, my progress, pictures, my weight, my sleep, my diet, it all just meant that I could really see the results that I was achieving, and that just further motivated me to want to do even better during the program.

Reuben, as an individual is so encouraging, so reassuring, always super quick to respond to any questions that you might have comments on your workouts and just a really nice guy to work with and communicate with and really knowledgeable in his field. There were times when I have my birthday during this plan was going out for a meal and Reuben was like looking at the menu online, and giving me recommendations about how I could go out and enjoy my birthday, and go out for a meal, but without ruining my progress and it was really good advice that he gave me, and it meant that I was just able to go out and still enjoy that time with friends, but still stick to my nutrition plan along the way.

So yeah, as I say, I can't recommend Reuben highly enough. It's been an incredibly educational program for me and even when the program ends, I am planning on implementing so much of the knowledge that I've learned throughout, to try and maintain the weight that I'm now at, and to eat a healthier diet, and live a more active lifestyle, and there's so much knowledge that I've kind of been given by Reuben.

If you're on the fence about working with Reuben then I just highly recommend that you give it a go, obviously there's a cost to this sort of thing, and if you're like me at the beginning of the process, you might be thinking, oh, it's a lot, but it isn't for what you're getting, it's such a great investment in yourself.

As I near the end of my 12 week program, I think that the value for the money that I've received from Reuben has just been astronomical. It's been a really great process to go through. So yeah, I cannot recommend Reuben, highly enough. And, night and day difference when it comes to my happiness and my confidence in myself from from when I started to now, it's just been a really positive experience and Reuben has been absolutely integral in getting me from where I was to where I am now,

There's no way I could have achieved the results that I've achieved in the timeframe without that support and guidance, so thank you Reuben, and, yeah, if you're thinking about having a chat with Reuben about a plan. I can't recommend it highly enough. Thanks a lot.


You can't out-train a bad diet


To Another Year of Growth