Men's Strength & Conditioning

Go Train Fitness are launching a men's strength and conditioning class down at the Fitnesshub in Preston Park Brighton. 

Following the recent success of our Women's Strength Club we have decided to put together a men's strength and conditioning class. We have the perfect location, equipment and knowledge to help you build your strength, cardiovascular and physical fitness. 

Our classes will teach you the correct technique and will identify the areas in which you need to strengthen to perform at your best. 

We will cover everything from correct mobility, compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, bench and overhead press) to tyre flips/drags, farmers walk, and even get out the sledge hammer. 

This is a class for guys who want to put themselves to the test and throw around some heavy objects in a safe manner but without the restraints of a gym environment. 

The class will be a competitive but supportive environment.

Contact us now and get involved! 


Cod Rice & Peas


Go Train Boxing Classes